Wednesday, June 3, 2009


it didn't take long. only 2 nights alone and i'm already sleeping in the middle of the bed. like a goldfish, i've expanded to fill the available space.

last week, we had our cat, hemlock, put down because he was suffering from renal failure. his weight was down from 11 pounds to 4.8. he was so pathetic. i buried him in the backyard. our other cat, eliot, seems to be taking it well, except he has suddenly become the most annoying pain in the ass while i'm trying to sleep. he kneads my stomach, he licks my elbows, he play-bites my knuckles. he does this all night. what the hell?

today i had to defend myself against a monstrous crawly thing on the basement wall. one of those critters with about a million legs that look like hair blowing in the wind when it scuttles across the wall. i realized how dependent i have become in the last 4 years on brian's bug killing abilities. i have not had to face such a task in the time we've been married. brown yuck gushed out of it when i smashed it with my flip flop and it continued to twitch its million legs, stuck to the shoe bottom. a paper towel took care of the carnage. i just thank god it wasn't a spider. i couldn't have done it. it's the eyes. i can't stand the thought of the eight glossy eyes sizing me up. why do you think they never show charlotte from charlotte's web with all those eyes? cause it's fucking creepy. instead of being a joyous celebration of life and pigs, it would be likened to something directed by rob zombie.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that! I've lost one kitty to renal failure, and have another who has it now (and has had it for nearly two years and is doing fine). :(
