Sunday, November 29, 2009

we remember

veteran's day

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


so, i have been learning a lot about hunting. apparently in chillicothe everything revolves around hunting. we have several gentlemen who are resistant to having to miss out on (insert aspect of hunting here) due to pesky health care appointments. a few weeks ago it was explained to me by a man who only communicates by nodding and writing brief notes on a pad of paper he carries in his pocket that it was a severe inconvenience to schedule follow-up bloodwork. as an explanation, he offers this note: "it's rut". i look at him quizzically and tell him i don't know what that is. he starts to blush and kind of fumble around, and finally writes "makes deer run". suddenly, it clicks. all the male deer are out chasing after the ladies, which makes them easy pickings.

in a related story, we had to explain to one of our long term care dementia guys he can't ride through the halls in his wheelchair without any pants. it's offensive to other residents and visitors. he replied "i'm gonna get a tattoo on my ass that says 'property of dr. (name of attending)'".

gun season starts monday.