Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i'm an expert!

i survived my first panel discussion as an "expert". it helped quell my rampaging butterflies that only about 10 people showed up. so i was effectively able to field the questions without sounding like too much of an idiot. at least i hope not.

i think it was because i accidentally wore my underwear inside out all day. i read a long time ago, when i was a kid, that if you serendipitously put an article of clothing on inside out, you will be graced with good luck the whole day through.


  1. Awesome! I'll have to try that sometime...does backwards work too?!

  2. Haha, great story. I knew you'd do well because you are concerned about doing well. When you stop caring, that's when you'll suck.

    Hang in there and keep up the good work!
